Work Order 12345 / Assigned / Not Scheduled / Creation Date

Customer Information

CustomerJohn Doe865-489-9874[email protected]Button to view customer
Location748 N 4th Ave KnoxvilleTN31917

Work Order Information

Work Order TypeWork order type name
Created DateDate Created
Special Instructionsextra information
Additional Fieldsorder specific informationAdditional Fieldsorder specific information
Additional Fieldsorder specific informationAdditional Fieldsorder specific information
Additional Fieldsorder specific informationAdditional Fieldsorder specific information
Additional Fieldsorder specific informationAdditional Fieldsorder specific information


Appointment StatusAppointment TypeDateTime FrameOptions
Scheduled/Not Scheduled/Reschedule NeededInitial Visit/Return Visit/etc. Date of servicetime frame or servicebutton reschedule/remove

Work Order Assignment

Provider Assignment

Assignee PhoneEmailOptions
Bob Robert865-798-9849[email protected]Button to re-assign/un-assign

Service Manager Assignment

Assignee PhoneEmailOptions
Mary Jane855-773-1193[email protected]Button to re-assign/un-assign

Status: Schedule Date Needed

Age: 1 Day 7 Hours 32 Minutes  22 Seconds

Assignment Status: Assigned
Appointment Status:  Not Scheduled
Last Touch: Mary Jane
Compliance Status: Compliant 
Recent Activity:
Mary Jane-Updated Part Status
Mary Jane-Called provider LMOM
Bob Roberts- Accepted Order

I have included screen shots for each desired action. this section will not need a separate window for each action.  

Adding Notes

Send Email

Log Activity

Add Task

Send SMS

Work Order Bidding

ProviderProvider Phone NumberProvider EmailProvider BidClient PriceClient BidProvider CostStatusMarginOptions
Bob Roberts456-789-9874[email protected]$95$118.75Provider Bid$23.75Edit Button
William Roberts123-456-6541[email protected]AvailableEdit Button
John Snow321-654-9852[email protected]$85$106.25Provider Bid$21.25Edit Button
Jimbo Jones654-987-9632[email protected]$90$112.50Provider Bid$22.50Edit Button
David Reckham123-654-8521[email protected]$100$80Connected$20.00Edit Button

Work Order Accept/Reject

ProviderProvider Phone NumberProvider EmailStatusConditionsConditional AmountConditional StatusApproved By Options
Bob Roberts456-789-9874[email protected]Conditional AcceptWill accept with Mileage$20ApprovedMary JaneEdit Button Accept/Reject
William Roberts123-456-6541[email protected]Rejected Edit Button Accept/Reject
John Snow321-654-9852[email protected]AvailableEdit Button Accept/Reject
Jimbo Jones654-987-9632[email protected]Conditional AcceptAdditional Funds$35DeniedEdit Button Accept/Reject
David Reckham123-654-8521[email protected]ViewedEdit Button Accept/Reject

Work Order Quote

ProviderProvider Phone NumberProvider EmailStatusNotesQuote AmountApproval StatusApproved By Options
Bob Roberts456-789-9874[email protected]Quote Submitted$120ApprovedMary JaneEdit Button Approve/Deny
William Roberts123-456-6541[email protected]Not Interested Edit Button Approve/Deny
John Snow321-654-9852[email protected]AvailableEdit Button Approve/Deny
Jimbo Jones654-987-9632[email protected]Quote Submitted$135DeniedEdit Button Approve/Deny
David Reckham123-654-8521[email protected]ViewedEdit Button Approve/Deny

Provider Q&A

Here providers can ask questions about the potential work order.

  • Provider question- Is the product in the room it will be assembled in?

-Answer- Yes


Task IDLinked EntityTask TypeStatusCreation DateDue DateDescriptionAssigned toOptions
11278Work Order 12345Follow upopen9/2/20189/20/2018call customerMary Janebutton to edit
11798Invoice 76523Reminderopen9/5/20189/23/2018check on parts Mary Janebutton to edit
  • Complete specified task e.g. contact customer

    Step One

  • Complete specified task e.g. Schedule Appointment

    Step two

    Assigned to Service Provider

  • Confirm Appointment 24 hrs Prior

    Step Three

    Assigned to Service Manager

  • 30 minute pre-call

    Step Four

    Assigned to Service Provider

  • Mark order as complete

    Step Five

    Assigned to Service Provider

  • Post Call

    Step Six

    Assigned to Service Manager

  • Customer Review

    Step Seven

    Assigned to the customer, conditional logic applies and this step would not be active until the job had been marked complete by the service provider.

  • Submit for review

    Step Eight

    Assigned to Service Provider, provider would ensure that all deliverable items i.e. sign wo, pictures etc. are uploaded and then submit for review.

  • Order Review

    Step Nine

    assigned to service manager. Order is reviewed, task is completed, order is then set to payment approval by supervisor. This would create a task the corresponding role to complete the payment approval.

  • Payment Approval

    Step 10

    Assigned to supervisor role. Task is completed and order is approved/denied for pay depending on presence of deliverable items. Completion of this step would close the work order in the system.


NameTypeStatusUpload DateUploaded byReview StatusReview DateReviewed byOptions
Signed Work OrderFormPendingButton to edit/upload
Completed Product PhotoImageCompleted9/13/2018Bob RobertsApproved9/14/2018Mary JaneButton to edit/upload


IDNameTypeDescription Operational StatusLocation StatusFactory Warranty StatusExtended Warranty ProviderExtended Warranty StatusSerial NumberModel NumberOptions
123456WasherApplianceMaytag washerBrokenCustomer LocationIn-Warranty Square TradeIn-Warranty 8008491108001064MAY458935Button to edit


NameDesciptionStatusTracking NumberEstimated Ship DateEstimated Delivery DateSerial NumberOptions
Drum MotorRepair Instructions for part installation Shippedw85485990-799/12/20189/17/2018876960-786Button to edit/view/export/delete
Pulleypicture of partBack orderedq323423424-2210/15/201810/20*201897667899876Button to edit/view/export/delete


InstructionsPDFRepair Instructions for part installation Button to edit. view/export/delete
PictureImagepicture of partButton to edit. view/export/delete


IDCreation DateDue DateStatusAmount BilledAmounted Credited BalanceCostMarginOptions
12352 Click the number to go the invoice9/12/2018 2.25pmOpen$275.00$0.00$275.00$200.00$75.00Button to edit/view/export/email

Provider Payout Details

ProviderPayout TotalPayout MethodPayout TermsPayout DateTransaction IDWork Order IDOptions
Bob Roberts$150ACH1 Week9/21/2018123456Button

Provider Claim

Submitted bySubmitted DateClaim AmountStatusReviewed byWork Order IDOptions
Bob Roberts9/15/2018$150Reviewed Mary Jane123456button to edit

Change Orders

IDTypeStatusRequested AmountRequested byRequest DateNotesResolutionResolution DateResolved byOptions
17856Mileage RequestNew$40.00Bob Roberts9/13/2018This is 60 miles one way Button to edit
17857Toll Reimbursement Completed$10.00Bob Roberts9/13/2018Bridge tollApproved9/14/2018Mary JaneButton to edit

Customer Review of Provider

CustomerDateCommentQuality of Service
Schedule Availability
Jane Doe9/14/2018Everything was great, Bob is the Best55555Button to edit

Customer Review of Service Manager

CustomerDateCommentQuality of Service
Timeliness KnowledgeOptions
Jane Doe9/14/2018Everything was great, Mary Jane is the Best55555Button to edit

Provider Review of Customer

ProviderDateCommentOverall Rating
Bob Roberts9/14/2018Pleasant Customer, let me work without interruption 5Button to edit

Provider Review of Service Manager

Bob Roberts9/14/2018Everything was great, Mary Jane is the Best5555Button to edit

Service Manager Review of Provider

Service ManagerDateCommentQuality of Service
Schedule Availability
Mary Jane9/14/2018Everything was great, Bob is the Best5555Button to edit


SelectNameCompany NamePhone NumberEmailStatusSolicitation StatusAdded byOptions
Check BoxJohn HallHall n oats4569877412[email protected]ProspectSentMary JaneButton; edit
Check BoxHal JohnsonHal's AI service7894562194ProspectNot SentMary JaneButton; edit
Check BoxJack BallJack's Assembly[email protected]Not InterestedSentMary JaneButton; edit
Check BoxBrian MoffetMoffet the go to guy4562137418[email protected]UnresponsiveSentMary JaneButton; edit

Prospect Communication


DateActivity DescriptionUser
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurred User that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
8/12/2018Activity TypeDescription of the activity that occurredUser that performed activity
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